Butters Top Ten Games Of 2021

Butters Friesen
7 min readJan 1, 2022


This list was very hard to order. I feel like this year brought us so many fantastic games. Like every game on this list is a 8/10 or above. But here are my favourites

10. Unpacking

Unpacking is a very quaint, relaxing game i tried out on Xbox Game Pass. Basic idea is you unpack the protagonists home in different stages of her life. Very cool indirect story telling and if you have OCD tendencies this game will scratch an itch. Some may say the price is a little high but Game pass is a great way to try this one out

9. Resident Evil Village

Another year, another Resident Evil game ends up on my list. I was really excited for this game and while there were some things i didn’t LOVE this time around i still think this was mostly a very fun and creepy game. The villain designs was very fun and the camp levels were just right. If you like RE7 this is its cooler less mature older brother.

8. Toem

Toem is our second nice and relaxing indie game on this list. Toem is a mountain and you set off on a small adventure to take a picture of it. On the way you prove yourself as a photographer by helping people get some sick shots. Toem has a very unique art style, using 2D sprites on a 3D plain. Very light and fun puzzle game that i really enjoyed. Check it out.

7. Forza Horizon 5

Its crazy that this game ended up 7th because Forza Horizon 5 was so much fun. Technically the only game on this list i have yet to finish but i mean its car game i don't think much will change 400 races from now. This is my first ever Forza game and kinda only got into it because a friend was excited for it. Well i can say i am HOOKED. My biggest take away is just how tight the game feels. Driving is so fun and you can fine tune everything from difficulty to its slew of accessibility options. If you have been wanting to get into racing games this might be the best way to do so.

6. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

Or how i learned to justify my 600$ PS5 after being laid off. This year was the year of the 3D platformer in my opinion and our first one is a return of a personal favourite franchise. Rift Apart is a love letter to R&C fans. The level design is top notch with really fun gimmicks to enjoy. The story is captivating but doesn't feel like a rehash of past games. The combat is just as smooth and satisfying as its ever been. If you can afford (or honestly find) a PS5 this is a console seller in my eyes.

5. It Takes Two

We welcome our second 3D platformer into the list. It Takes Two is a full co-op experience by Hazelight (Brothers, A Way Out). In a world where co-op seems to be slowly disappearing a game like this is such a nice reminder how fun it can be. The story is pretty good but the amazing level design is where this game shines. Constant shifts to mechanics and genre help keep the 10 hour long games nice and fresh throughout. Best part is only one person needs to own the game so you can scum off your friends copy. Don’t know about the book tho.

4. New Pokemon Snap

Nintendo had yet another crummy year but New Pokemon Snap was the diamond in the rough (ok i know Metroid was a thing). This was everything i dreamed of in a sequel. More Pokemon, tons of massive levels. The game is very very long and even longer if you go back into areas. Love the fan service and god i just love taking pictures in video games. Can’t believe it took Nintendo this long to put out a new Snap game but it was well worth the wait.

3. Inscryption

Inscryption is the newest game on this list seeing as i beat it about 28 hours ago. Its also the game i will be telling the least about here. This game is amazing and its better the less you know about it. Its a card game with rouge lite elements. Think something like Slay The Spire. Ill just say i have never played a game like this in my entire life. It is wholly unique and is a game you must experience. With enough time i could see this game ending up at number 1 but for now I’m happy where it is. If you are wanting to try any game this year this is the one you should play.

2. Life Is Strange True Colours

For people who know me this game being this high shouldn't be a surprise. I’ve been singing the praises of Life Is Strange for years but its sequels while very good never really got to its level of quality for me. Well they finally did it again

First big thing is the upgrade to the engine. LIS games have always had this awkwardness to the animation and movements of the characters. This is honestly a deal breaker for some as it turns high emotion scenes into cringe fests. But this game is the first that mostly fixes this.

Everything else is also fantastic. Story is great and honestly caught me off guard with how crazy it got. Alex is very fun and interesting protagonist and her new power fits in with the world as well.

Before #1 we have a couple bonus categories

Most Disappointing Game Of The Year Award: Pokemon Brilliant Diamond

Another year and another meh Pokemon game. Don’t get me wrong this is Pokemon but with no soul. This game pretty much changed nothing from the originals. If you really want to play Gen 4 again this is fine but at 60$ this game seems very underwhelming. Lets hope Arceus is better.

The Most Disappointing Company Award: Nintendo

Two years in a row baby lets gooooo. What did Nintendo do this year. lets see uh we got a very underwhelming switch upgrade, about 3–4 60$ ports oh lets not forget 40$ N64 roms that's gotta be my favourite one. Metroid Dread and Pokemon Snap were good but geez Nintendo keeps showing us why they are the butt of every joke.

Thing I Didn’t Expect To Enjoy This Year Award: F1 Racing

I really didn't expect this one. I'm not a sports guy at all but man i really got into F1 this year. My friend streamed a race for me and on a whim i gave it a try and now im hooked. I also happened to pick a really fun season to start watching.

Most Anticipated Game Of 2022: Kirby and the Forgotten Land Or Knuckle Sandwich

Open world Kirby could be a lot of fun and Ive been excited for Knuckle Sandwich for years!

Worst Thing: NFT’s

Nuff Said

Best Star Trek Character: Worf (Deep Space 9)

Also Quark and Rom and Tuvok

1. Psychonauts 2

Third 3D platformer and maybe one of the greatest ever made. This game is everything i wanted in a sequel. The game looks amazing and plays even better then the first. My favourite thing is how well the game tackles mental health and relationships. Its crazy that a silly little cartoon games for kids might be one of the most mature stories in any game ive ever played. Absolutely the best game of 2021.

