Butters Top Ten Games Of 2020

Butters Friesen
7 min readDec 31, 2020


2020 was hard on a lot of us, including gamers. But at the end of the day we still game

Honorable Mentions

Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links

Meme School

If you told me in 2019 that in 2020 I would get slightly addicted to a gatcha game i would have said “You'll get your money when you fix this damn door”. Duel links is the most fair a game has acted while trying to sell me fake clowns and to boot, it is a blast to play.

Dragon Ball Kakarot

The winner of the “I played this game?” award goes to DBK. To be fair this was the perfect January game. Simple, nostalgic, and kind of janky. If you like Dragon Ball Z this will probably quench your throbbing urges.

Microsoft Flight Simulator

150 GB download in a custom slow installer ? oh boy. MFS is a very fun tool to dick around with for a few hours. To be fair this game is not made for me it is made for boomers who buy 2 games every 10 years. But crashing into my friends houses over the course of a week was a great distraction.

Star Trek The Next Generation

Good tea, nice show

11. WWE 2K Battlegrounds

Look at these troll doll reject looking models what in gods name were they smoking. I didn't actually play this game but god did I torture my friends with the trailers for this game. Honestly it has probably given me more joy then if I were to just play the game, which I won’t.

10. Phansmophobia

Remember the crappy A&E ghost hunting shows? The ones where people wander around for 40 min and then the camera man coughs and everyone screams “Its ghost time baby”. Well this is the video game version of that. Enter a house, scream at a ghost and figure out what kind it is. You get money and can use that to get better equipment for your hunts. This game was made by one person and its very impressive that it is able to keep the gameplay loop as interesting as it does. One of the best co-op experiences this year. It also has VR which rules. The biggest issue I've had with the game is how buggy it is. Spawning into a game and not being able to

9. Carrion

The twist is YOURE the monster. Carrion is a very short, very simple Metroidvania style game where you take control of a engineered tentacle monster. You run through the underground base you were created in eating people, growing stronger and trying to escape your captors. This game understands movement like no other I played this year. The way you just fly around from screen to screen so seamlessly really made the game a dream to play through. I like how challenging it is and how it makes you think on your toes. The only thing I would want would be a map as i got lost multipole times within these metal halls.

8. Risk Of Rain 2

I don’t want to hear it ok? Technically this game came out THIS year so its on the list. ROR2 is everything I want in a rouge like. Great art design, killer soundtrack, massive buffalo. Watching this game just get better and better was such a wonderful experience and that we got such a great game was amazing. And playing with 4 people was a highlight for co-op this year.

7. Resident Evil 3

This game was nostalgia bate for exactly me. Original RE3 is one of my favorite game and I was super excited to see how the remake would capture the classic. Unfortunately it really didn't but on its own i think the game is good. At the end of the day this is RE2make2 but shorter and with less puzzles. The core elements of a good game are here its just a bit on the lazy side. It took a while for me to like this game but if you leave your nostalgia at the door there's a ton of fun to be ha. Also the multiplayer sucked ass.

6. Spiritfarer

No jokes here Spiritfarer is the most heartwarming games i played this year. You are on a boat sailing around purgatory helping people move on to the afterlife. Its is emotionally breathtaking as well as just a blast to play. Build up your boat, complete tasks and explore this beautifully drawn world. Just make sure you are emotionally stable enough to say goodbye to the friends you will make along the way.

5. Animal Crossing New Horizons

AC:NH was the perfect game for March of this year. I was laid off my job, uncertain of how things were going to turn out. AC kept me getting up everyday and making sure I had something to look forward to. Then this should be game #1 then right? Well only a few months into play I fell off pretty hard and moved on to other games. But the times I didn't spend with the game was exactly what I needed and for that it will always have a place in my heart and mind.

4. Ghost Of Tsushima

Here is another game that at first let me down but over time really won me over. First off this game stunning, just riding around the game world was absolutely breathtaking. Though I wish the combat was a bit more realistic it grew on me and now I respect it. I guess the major dislike was just the padding in the main story but I also got every collectable so maybe it was my fault.

3. Yakuza Like A Dragon

I'm a bit of a N00b when it comes it Yakuza. I've played Kiwami and have ways respect the series. But when I heard that the Yakuza game would not only be an RPG but you could play it out of order I was exited. Ill get to a few things I didn't love. First the game is way to long imo and second the games last boss is kind of a fuck. But oh man the combat system is great, the story is dense and engaging and also Namba. Please play this series thanks.

2. Fuser

Ah, a new rhythm game in 2020 and a good one to boot. Fuser is a DJ simulator but honestly its more of a soundclown maker then anything. The career mode is pretty mediocre but I don't think I’ve had more fun this year then playing freestyle and just making cursed ass shit. Its a little steep at 60$ but this was totally worth refunding Cyberpunk for.

Bonus Round!!

This is the bonus round where i make up a bunch awards and give them out.

Most Disappointing Company Award: Nintendo

Nintendo really hit it out of the park by alienating almost there entire fanbase. From Super Mario 3D All Stars being a 80$ rom dump to the “only available for a limited time” crap, mediocre virtual console support, Pokémon DLC being just alright and making Melee fans hate Nintendo even more. Animal Crossing doesn't make up for a year of disappointment.

The Game I Should Have Played Award: Hades

This game looks great and honestly i probably would have been on my list. Too bad I suck.

Best Refund Of 2020: Cyberpunk 2077

Honestly the game was fine i just wanted fuser instead. Maybe they will fix it

Most Anticipated game of 2021: Bravely Default II

Hope they don't screw the snooch on this one.

Best Star Trek Character Of 2020: Worf

Worf has brought me more joy then most of the games on his list. He has no honor and wants to die and honestly that is a mood.

  1. Final Fantasy VII Remake

Ill be honest it kind of feels weird putting this game here. Like don't get me wrong I love this game, its just I don't really feel anything for it. But out of all the games this year this one was the most enjoyable. I like how short it is, it doesn't feel like an eternity to beat like yakuza. And yeah its FFVII. Game world is beautiful, Characters are fun and they changed enough from the original to make it its own thing. Good job big swordsman makers you done did a good swordsman.

